Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Agile or not agile?

What does being agile mean?
Who am I to try answering such question?

Well, well... My firm is trying to standardize our software development process. In this context, a working group has been created to write documents definying agility.

My first feelings were disappointment and anger. It smells the end of eXtreme Programming in this firm! Agility should not be defined, it is a way of thinking, of being. The Manifesto for Agile Software Development talks about values, no way about definition.

Anyway, I joined the working group, with an other member of my team, Pascal Pratmarty, an enthusiast XP defender. The first meeting was unfortunately conformed with my fears. They really want to define a box for agile processes.

So, why not? Pascal and I may have the opportunity through this group to promote XP and its values. We even know that these documents may touch our directors directly and consequently give an extraordinary impact in sofware development processes in this firm. Haw... Let's go this way! But our way, and out-of-the-box!

Since few days, I'm trying to define in one sentence how I see an agile team. I reached this:

The ability to change quickly a plan to add a new feature developped with an high quality, respecting customers requirements, and delivered in-time.

It pleases me.

Of course, it's probably not perfect and may be incomplete. But I'm seeking for improvements... Therefore, I'm waiting for your comments and delight to share with you agile experiences.